Office Ergonomics And How It Affects Your Health

Office Ergonomics And How It Affects Your Health

Whether you go to an office every day or are one of the many people who now work from home, creating a workspace with an ergonomically correct desk, chair and computer monitor position can go a long way to prevent back, neck, wrist and shoulder pains formally known as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Source: Forbes Work-related MSDs can be prevented with the proper use of ergonomics, the practice of fitting a workspace to the individual. In fact, ergonomics can help increase productivity while reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and a number of work-related MSDs, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Here’s what you need to know […]

Top 10: What are the heaviest organs in the human body?

Top 10: What are the heaviest organs in the human body?

Top 10: What are the heaviest organs in the human body? Source: BBC Science Focus Just how much of your body mass is made up by your vital organs? Find out what the heaviest organs in the human body are, and what they do, here. 1. Skin Average weight: 4,535g Function: Protects against pathogens; provides insulation; synthesizes vitamin D; regulates temperature; provides sensation 2. Liver Average weight: 1,560g Function: Breaks down toxins; produces hormones, proteins and digestive biochemicals; regulates glycogen storage 3. Brain Average weight: 1,500g Function: Drives executive functions such as reasoning; coordinates responses to changes in environment 4. Lungs Average weight: 1,300g Function: Supplies oxygen to be distributed […]

The Worst Exercise Habits That Are Aging You Faster, Trainer Says

The Worst Exercise Habits That Are Aging You Faster, Trainer Says

The Worst Exercise Habits That Are Aging You Faster, Trainer Says Are you doing them in your regular routine? source : Eat This, Not That! | Tim Liu, C.S.C.S. You’ve likely picked up some go-to habits in your workout routine over the years – good and bad. Today, we’re going to address the absolute worst exercise habits you likely didn’t know are aging you faster. This way, if you recognize any of them in your own regimen, you can ditch and fix them ASAP. No matter your age, you should be getting in regular exercise and activity. If you want to age gracefully, strength training is essential to build and maintain lean muscle, and cardio will […]

How employee wellness varies across generations: The rush to meet worker needs for Gen Y, Z, X

How employee wellness varies across generations: The rush to meet worker needs for Gen Y, Z, X

Establishing a strong employee wellness program is critical for employers, yet with more workplaces featuring multi-generational workers, reaching balance remains a challenge. Source: Thompson Reuters Before 2020, managing employee wellness was already seen as a challenge and one that could impact employee engagement. Indeed, it seems that engagement and wellness are ineradicably linked, according to one recent study, which suggested that: Employee engagement positively relates to wellness because engagement is noticeably lower among employees experiencing low or very low physical, financial or emotional wellness. Further, the impact of wellness and engagement in differing generational cohorts has been under-recognized. It is no secret that Gen Zers and young Millennials, who as […]