Workplace Wellness Trends For 2019

Workplace Wellness Trends For 2019

While most media companies end each year with a roundup of what happened during the past year, Well+Good, a wellness-focused media company founded in 2010, closes each year with a look towards what they predict will be pertinent to their readers in the coming year.   Source: Forbes Their annual wellness trends report, which was recently released, has historically been pretty spot on in identifying emerging trends in the wellness space ranging from what readers will eat, what they’ll wear, how they’ll work out and what they’ll chose to put in their medicine cabinets in the new year. This year’s report includes 14 predictions for what the editors foresee making a splash in 2019 ranging […]

An Honest Review on Standing Desks

An Honest Review on Standing Desks

Improve your focus, productivity, and health with this simple office fix Source: Inc Ever feel completely drained after a flight, long car ride, or just a day of sitting at a desk? Even though you were just sitting for a long time, you felt exhausted. There are so many negative side effects to simply sitting for extended periods of time. Yet, Americans sit for on average 8 hours a day, with most of these hours being at work. Sitting for such a long time can negatively affect your health, side effects include: Weight gain Poor blood circulation Heart disease Weakened muscles Diabetes Posture problems Chronic Back and neck pain Anxiety and Depression Sitting for […]

The Optimal Office Temperature: A Definitive Conclusion to the Age-Old Debate

The Optimal Office Temperature: A Definitive Conclusion to the Age-Old Debate

Whether your office climate is reminiscent of a warm, humid rainforest or the icy tundra, it’s undeniable that office temperature has a significant bearing on both your productivity and your overall comfort in the workplace. Source We reached out to our customers to see how temperature affects productivity in their respective workplaces, and one thing was readily apparent: improper temperatures in the office, whether too hot or too cold, drastically hinder workflow and force employees to find creative new methods to regulate their body temperature. So, What Is the Ideal Office Temperature? It has long been thought that cooler temperatures increase and encourage productivity, and, for a long time, the […]

Seven Reasons Every Home or Office Should Have An Essential Oil Diffuser

Seven Reasons Every Home or Office Should Have An Essential Oil Diffuser

If you’re no stranger to natural living, you’ve probably already read a recommendation or two about using essential oil diffusers to improve your health, increase your energy, or to help you sleep better. The fact is, these handy little devices are great for all of those things and more. Source 1. Relaxation and Sleep One of the best and most well-known uses for essential oils is their ability to help you unwind at the end of a hard day. While there are several other methods for getting your soothing oils from the bottle into your blood stream where they start to work their magic, the diffuser is by far the easiest and […]

Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business. – Richard Branson

Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business. – Richard Branson

“Your employees are your company’s real competitive advantage. They’re the ones making the magic happen, as long as their needs being met” – Richard Branson Source So many companies do not understand that. They think that if they put in ping pong tables, their part is done. More than ping pong tables and pizza Fridays, people need: an honest and open leadership, with truthful and factual communications Instead employees often get slogans, mission statements and spin stories. a chance to grow and to take on new responsibilities. A chance is sometimes the best thing you can give someone who needs it. Instead, often yes-men often get promoted, and best people […]

7 Easy Ways to Create a Zen Office Space

7 Easy Ways to Create a Zen Office Space

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “the modern workplace”? If you’re like a lot of people, it’s probably words like “ultra-connected,” “demanding,” “always on,” or “stressful.” No wonder companies experience such high turnover, low productivity, and burnout. Now imagine a workplace exemplified by the following: Peace. Calm. Tranquility. Focus. A little better, right? That’s the idea behind Zen Office spaces. Source Zen is a Buddhist philosophy that emphasizes meditation, intuition, and tranquility. Zen is also a practice that pulls you out of your routine, and trains you to live less automatically and more mindfully. More and more companies are embracing Zen principles to bring tranquility to their […]

The Pillars of an Effective Workplace Wellness Program via HBR

The Pillars of an Effective Workplace Wellness Program via HBR

Strategically integrated wellness programs have six strong pillars that simultaneously support their success, regardless of the size of the organization. Construct them well, and your institution could see the kinds of big returns that the 10 companies in our sample have garnered. Source: Harvard Business Review 1. Multilevel Leadership Creating a culture of health takes passionate, persistent, and persuasive leadership at all levels—from the C-suite to middle managers to the people who have “wellness” in their job descriptions. It’s easy to find employees who don’t participate in wellness programs. Some cite lack of time, little perceived benefit, or just a distaste for exercise. Others don’t know about available services or blame […]

What’s the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs? HBR

What’s the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs? HBR

Since 1995, the percentage of Johnson & Johnson employees who smoke has dropped by more than 2/3rds. The number who have high blood pressure or who are physically inactive also has declined—by more than 1/2. That’s great, obviously, but should it matter to managers? Well, it turns out that a comprehensive, strategically designed investment in employees’ social, mental, and physical health pays off. J&J’s leaders estimate that wellness programs have cumulatively saved the company $250 million on health care costs over the past decade; from 2002 to 2008, the return was $2.71 for every dollar spent. Source: Harvard Business Review What Is Workplace Wellness? Our extensive research on workplace wellness […]

Air Purifying Plants that Clean Your Office Air

Air Purifying Plants that Clean Your Office Air

We need fresh air to live a healthy and full life, but it’s fast becoming a luxury. Residents of many major cities around the world are faced with smog and poisonous gases from motor vehicles, fossil fuel based power plants, and factories. The good news is, there is a simple solution you can use at your office or at home to make your air much cleaner. While air purifiers might help, air purifying plants are a great and natural way to clean your air supply. In this article, you’ll learn more about air pollution, its dangers, and how to choose the best air purifying plants that suit your needs. Source The Pollutant Problem According […]

Corporate Wellness: How health improves The bottom line – via Forbes

Corporate Wellness: How health improves The bottom line – via Forbes

It seems every time we turn around there is a buzz about “corporate wellness.” I have heard it so many times that I wonder if people are becoming skeptical and leery of it being a marketing ploy. However, I know the importance of health in business as I practice a healthy lifestyle and know the positive impact on my bottom line. Source: Forbes I found that there are five key ways to improve the bottom line of a business with a corporate wellness program. First it begins with a wellness culture that starts at the top. As a corporate leader, you need to practice what you preach and live the […]