How can workplaces effectively support mental health?

How can workplaces effectively support mental health?

Source: World Economic Forum With depression and anxiety estimated to cost the global economy over $1 trillion per year in lost productivity, policymakers and employers have long debated how workplaces can most effectively support mental health. Now, for the first time, WHO is publishing evidence-based guidelines which can start to answer this question. Workplaces can play an important role in mental health. Research from Edelman, across seven countries, found that 78% of employees trust their employers, making employers a potentially powerful source of support for mental health. Work can help protect and promote good mental health, but it can also contribute to potential harm. However, despite growing interest and investment in workplace mental health, […]

7 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond

7 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond

It’s fair to say that 2020 rocked many organizations and business models, upending priorities and plans as business leaders scrambled to navigate a rapidly changing environment. For many organizations this included responding to the social justice movements, shifting to a full-time remote staff, determining how best to support employees’ wellbeing, managing a hybrid workforce, and now addressing legal concerns around the Covid-19 vaccine. Source: HBR It would be nice to believe that 2021 will be about stability and getting back to normal; however, this year is likely to be another full of major transitions. While there has been a lot of focus on the increase in the number of employees […]