Try these 4 morning habits for a happy day

Try these 4 morning habits for a happy day

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of starting the day on the right foot, but it’s important to remember that how you start your day is how you end your day. Source: Hello As a happiness expert, I follow daily rituals to start my day in the best way possible, stepping into gratitude and toning my vagus nerve daily” says Caroline Strawson Here’s how I start each morning for a happier day… Breath Work and meditation Before I even get out of bed, I start with some breath work and meditation to anchor me in the present moment and quieten the chatter […]

7 Practical Strategies For Being More Productive In 2024

7 Practical Strategies For Being More Productive In 2024

Vanderkam draws on research and her own experience as a full-time professional and mother of 5 kids (yes, 5!). Here, she offers some ways to get the most out of your day   Source: Entrepreneur 1. Track your time “When people say they want to spend their time better, the first thing I always tell them is to figure out where the time is going now,” Vanderkam says. “Because if you don’t know where the time is going now, how do you know if you are changing the right thing?” She suggests tracking how you spend every day from 5 am to 4:30 pm for an entire week. This will […]