12 cheap foods with anti-aging properties that longevity scientists swear by

12 cheap foods with anti-aging properties that longevity scientists swear by

I recently spent the weekend at a big hotel near Disneyland. While I didn’t set foot in the “Happiest Place on Earth,” I was bearing witness to another kind of magic at RAADfest — a longevity conference dubbed the “revolution against aging and death.” Source: Insider Some of the best anti-aging hacks are remarkably simple. Leafy greens can boost nitric oxide, while asparagus can help improve glutathione stores. I met experts at a longevity conference who told me the 12 anti-aging foods they eat. Researchers were sharing their latest findings on anti-aging, and some of it felt like Magic Kingdom-level fantasy. Swiss stem cell treatments that were billed as age-reversing, yellowy young plasma […]