Calming Tools & Techniques that Hold Up Even During COVID Times

Calming Tools & Techniques that Hold Up Even During COVID Times

As we all navigate shifting responsibilities and uncertain futures, coronavirus-related anxiety is climbing around the globe. Needless to say, as important as it is to stay on top of our physical health right now, checking in with our mental health is also essential. The following stress-reducing tools have long been tried-and-trues at mbg, and we’re more grateful for them now than ever before: Source: MBG Health 1. Meditation You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again: Meditation is a proven way to reduce anxiety and increase overall feelings of well-being. There are so many ways to start a meditation practice, so don’t be discouraged if you haven’t been able to stick with one […]

The 7 ‘Senses’ of Self-Development

The 7 ‘Senses’ of Self-Development

Committing to your development is step-one to living your personal legend. The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfilment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Source: Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness, […]

12 Best Health & Fitness Apps for 2019

12 Best Health & Fitness Apps for 2019

Sitting in front of a monitor, balancing personal and working life, even sleeping enough are all challenging areas for our health. In today’s fast-paced world, it is really important to stay fit and healthy, as in this busy life, many suffer from problems related to health, mainly myosceletical, gaining fat and stress related. We have filtered out twelve apps that we believe can have a positive impact in today’s modern Greek lifestyle. Let’s take a detailed look into some of the best health and fitness apps (Android & iOS) that will help you have a better life and stay fit. Source 1. Seven – 7 Minute Workouts This app can show you real results by working out […]

Chronic stress can hurt your memory

Chronic stress can hurt your memory

Do you tend to forget things when you’re stressed? Like when you’re late for a meeting and can’t remember where you left your car keys? Or when you have to give a big presentation and suddenly forget all your talking points seconds before you start? Source: CNN There’s nothing like stress to make your memory go a little spotty. A 2010 study found that chronic stress reduces spatial memory: the memory that helps you recall locations and relate objects. Hence, your missing car keys. University of Iowa researchers recently found a connection between the stress hormone cortisol and short-term memory loss in older rats. Their findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience this […]

Best Health And Fitness Management Apps

Best Health And Fitness Management Apps

Are you running the same route, eating the same grilled chicken and veggies for dinner, or listening to the same playlists over and over? Anyone can fall into a rut, but it’s time to push past the monotony and re-energize your habits. Choose among these apps to find inspiration and ideas to eat, exercise and, yes, sleep better every day.   Source: Forbes Meditation Studio Meditation has been proven to help people decrease stress, reduce anxiety, improve sleep and generally aid in managing challenging situations. Meditation Studio is one of the best apps in helping newbies and more advanced meditators alike achieve their zen goals. The app features a wide scope of […]

6 Yoga Exercises You Won’t Be Embarrassed to Do at Your Desk

6 Yoga Exercises You Won’t Be Embarrassed to Do at Your Desk

Many of us sit behind our desks and stare at computer screens for far too much of the day. Although concentrated work can be beneficial to our jobs, it can be taxing on our bodies. The following yoga exercises will help you relieve any tension you might feel after too many hours of poring over spreadsheets. The poses also provide long-term benefits with regular practice. Each pose takes fewer than two minutes to complete, and you can do the whole series in just 10 minutes—but I promise you’ll feel the effects long after. Source:  Harvard Business Review   Breathe deeply throughout the poses because sending oxygen to your muscles allows […]

12 Stress Management Apps to Relax Your Mind & Body

12 Stress Management Apps to Relax Your Mind & Body

Stress and anxiety — to some degree — are natural parts of everyday life. Think about it: You get that feeling when a driver cuts you off on your way to work, or when you have a looming deadline, or when you spill coffee on your shirt. Source These stressful moments can range from uncomfortable and annoying (even motivational) to completely debilitating. What’s worse, these negative feelings can build on themselves really quickly until they feel out of control. That’s why it’s crucial to monitor our emotional health whether or not we have a diagnosed disorder. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, unmanaged stress symptoms “can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior,” […]

PhD Research on Stress Management Techniques | University of Athens

PhD Research on Stress Management Techniques | University of Athens

According to the World Health Organization, stress is a significant problem of our times and affects both physical as well as the mental health of people. Stress is defined as a situation where the organism‘s homeostasis is threatened or the organism perceives a situation as threatening. Stress coping methods are the cognitive, behavioral and psychological efforts to deal with stress. After a thorough literature review some of the following techniques were identified: Transcendental meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction. Source Life exists through the maintenance of a complex dynamic equilibrium, termed homeostasis, that is constantly challenged by internal or external adverse forces, termed stressors, which can be emotional […]

What is Meditation as a practise of Mindfulness?

What is Meditation as a practise of Mindfulness?

Meditation is a practice that requires mindfulness. Contrary to what some people believe, its goal is not to empty the mind of thoughts, but to experience them objectively. That is to say, you experience your thoughts, feelings, and memories as if they were leaves floating down a stream. You watch them all come and go, holding on to nothing. You pay attention only to the moment you’re living in, but it’s a deep attention, which accepts both the painful and the pleasant experiences. Source In practice, some people try guided meditations, in which a 3rd party helps them to direct their focus on different aspects of the moment they’re experiencing. Others […]

Why Mindfulness?

Why Mindfulness?

“I’m so busy, I don’t have time to slow down”: the mantra of our times in this always-connected world. Source Technology promises to make our lives easier, faster and simpler.  But, it’s made our world exceedingly unfocused and overwhelming.  Smartphones and laptops mean there’s no division between work and home.  Our brains, which grow linearly, are overloaded by the exponential complexity of technology, which deteriorates our focus and performance capacity. How do we overcome compounding distractions and evolve into higher-performing individuals?   Enter the science of mindfulness.  MINDFULNESS FOR PEAK PERFORMANCE  Mindfulness is a systematic approach to reprogram our brain and master ourselves to always perform at our peak. Through conscious attention to your mind, body […]