9 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Working From Home

9 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Working From Home

You’re on a conference call and somehow wandered into the kitchen. Next thing you know you’re eating crackers and dry cereal out of the box. Or maybe you got so caught up in a project that you suddenly realize you haven’t eaten a thing all day. Or perhaps the “I’ll just have a handful of chips as I work” mentality turned into accidently eating the entire bag. Source Keeping your nutrition in check can be tough when your home is your office. You feel comfortable and there’s plenty of food available. And unlike in the office, you’re free to graze all day and the fridge is all yours. But this […]

How to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

How to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Creating a healthy work-life balance is hard enough when you work in an office all day, but it can be just as hard when work and life are happening in the same space. Find out how you can avoid the pitfalls and maximize the benefits of working from home.   Source The Benefits — and Challenges — of Working From Home There are undeniable benefits to working from home: the freedom and flexibility of working in familiar surroundings, no co-workers to distract you, being able to wear what you want, time with your pets and/or kids, and the opportunity to knock out some chores, according to Dr. Josh Klapow, clinical psychologist. […]

Five Immune Wellness Tips – Infographic

Five Immune Wellness Tips – Infographic

We gathered for you a small collection of Immune System Tips that can boost your health and act as preventive measures. They are all practical, meaningful, from reliable sources and easy to find or order online. Most important, we use them on a daily basis ourselves 🙂 Hope you find them useful.  

How to Stay Positive: 11 Smart Habits

How to Stay Positive: 11 Smart Habits

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.” Bo Bennett “To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all.” Peter McWilliams “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin Source 1. Find the optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation. One of the simplest but most effective ways to build a more positive outlook has in my experience been to ask more helpful questions as often as possible. When I am in what seems like a negative situation – maybe I have been lazy, made a mistake, […]

Three Ways To Improve Immunity, From An Infectious Disease Specialist

Three Ways To Improve Immunity, From An Infectious Disease Specialist

In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, it might be easier to overlook the severity of the flu, but in reality, the two aren’t that different. This article will remind us just how important it is to keep our immune systems healthy. Here are top three tips, which emphasize both the mind and the body, to help improve immunity naturally. Source 1. Reduce stress. Stress can affect everything from brain health to body weight, and of course, immunity. Kesh said when her patients are otherwise doing everything right but continue to get sick, “It’s almost always because of stress.” This is because when cortisol levels aren’t kept within their normal range, whether in […]

10 Books to Read in 2020 to Help You With Your Work-Life Balance

10 Books to Read in 2020 to Help You With Your Work-Life Balance

Balancing your busy home life with your fast-paced career can be a challenge. But, if you want to avoid burnout and set yourself up for long-term happiness, learning how to achieve a livable and fulfilling work-life balance is essential. Source When you’re looking for advice on how to manage your obligations both in the office and at home with your partner or family, turning to an expert can help. Reading a book about work-life balance will help you see your situation more clearly and offer you tools and tactics for how to design a more seamless—and less stressful—work-life balance. Whether achieving this level of zen is one of your 2020 resolutions or […]

5 Tips For Reducing Your Work Stress in 2020 (by yourself)

5 Tips For Reducing Your Work Stress in 2020 (by yourself)

You feel the need to commit that 2020 is the year you stress less about work? That the demanding deadlines, long hours, and email notifications will not get you down? It’s a great goal, and one you likely have in common with a lot of people; a survey by the American Psychological Association revealed that 61 percent of respondents found work to be a source of stress. Source But resolutions are best kept with a plan of action in your inbox, so we reached out to experts for tips on tackling work-related tension this year. A) Use Breaks Strategically If stress is getting the best of you during your daily 09:00 to 17:00, Kaplan suggested […]

5 Employee Wellness Trends for 2020

5 Employee Wellness Trends for 2020

Organisations are beginning to understand the direct connection between employee health and wellness and business performance. But the definition of employee wellness, or wellbeing, has evolved dramatically over the past few years, and corporate wellness programs must adapt to changes in society. Source Here are 5 new trends in employee wellbeing and corporate wellness programs:   1) Employee wellness programs are about more than just physical health.  What began as a focus on counting steps, tracking sleep, and logging water intake has expanded to include social and emotional—or mental—health. This means taking a more holistic view of employee wellbeing. Rather than just considering physical fitness, best-in-class corporate wellbeing programs now prioritise […]

10 Data Based Benefits of Employee Wellness Programs You Need to Know About

10 Data Based Benefits of Employee Wellness Programs You Need to Know About

Employee wellness programs seem to offer obvious benefits. There’s general well-being of course, plus health, happiness…and the pursuit of more happiness? In other words, it can be surprisingly hard to articulate any concrete benefits of employee wellness programs, especially from a business standpoint. However, that’s exactly what you need to do if you want to make a solid case for a program you’ve been thinking about implementing. Source Fail to make a solid argument as an HR Professional, and your proposal to key decision makers could merit responses like these: “Sure, wellness programs for employees looks fun and sounds like a good idea, but do they really offer any benefits?” “Wellness programs don’t […]