15 Time Management Tips for Achieving Your Goals

15 Time Management Tips for Achieving Your Goals

The truth is that time is the greatest equalizer in life. No matter who you are, your age, income, gender, race or religion, you have the same amount of time as the next person. Whether you’re filthy rich or dirt poor, your time is the same. It’s not about how much time you have. It’s about how effectively you manage your time. Source: Entrepreneur One of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective time management. If you’re not managing your time well, there’s no way you’re going to reach your goals at work and the life outside of it. Sure, you might make some progress. But your […]

6 Yoga Exercises You Won’t Be Embarrassed to Do at Your Desk

6 Yoga Exercises You Won’t Be Embarrassed to Do at Your Desk

Many of us sit behind our desks and stare at computer screens for far too much of the day. Although concentrated work can be beneficial to our jobs, it can be taxing on our bodies. The following yoga exercises will help you relieve any tension you might feel after too many hours of poring over spreadsheets. The poses also provide long-term benefits with regular practice. Each pose takes fewer than two minutes to complete, and you can do the whole series in just 10 minutes—but I promise you’ll feel the effects long after. Source:  Harvard Business Review   Breathe deeply throughout the poses because sending oxygen to your muscles allows […]

12 Stress Management Apps to Relax Your Mind & Body

12 Stress Management Apps to Relax Your Mind & Body

Stress and anxiety — to some degree — are natural parts of everyday life. Think about it: You get that feeling when a driver cuts you off on your way to work, or when you have a looming deadline, or when you spill coffee on your shirt. Source These stressful moments can range from uncomfortable and annoying (even motivational) to completely debilitating. What’s worse, these negative feelings can build on themselves really quickly until they feel out of control. That’s why it’s crucial to monitor our emotional health whether or not we have a diagnosed disorder. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, unmanaged stress symptoms “can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior,” […]

How Emotional Intelligence Can Boost Your Career

How Emotional Intelligence Can Boost Your Career

There is a time in the life of every predicament where it is ripe for resolution. Emotions provide the cue to act when a problem is big enough to see, yet still small enough to solve. By understanding your emotions, you can move adeptly through your current challenges and prevent future ones. Source: Inc. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your […]

EQ Predicts Job Performance: The 7 Traits That Help Managers Relate

EQ Predicts Job Performance: The 7 Traits That Help Managers Relate

The evidence that Emotional intelligence is a linked to job performance is clear.  The problem is that no-one can agree what it is about EI that actually makes the difference to performance, until now. Source: Forbes A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology looked at the results of 36 separate pieces of research into the relationship between self-reported EI and job performance (measured via supervisor ratings), with an overall data set from 2,168 employed adults. Via a sophisticated bit of number crunching, the authors were able to conclude that there is a strong correlation between EI and job performance.  More interestingly, they found that there were 7 traits that made all […]

What is Emotional Intelligence | EQ?

What is Emotional Intelligence | EQ?

What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s abilities and awareness of personal and interpersonal emotions, communication, and relationships. Source In other words, it’s a social science word applied to how well people do in relationships with others, and how well they understand and manage emotions. It’s a term that was coined in the 1995 book by Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. The book is regularly updated and remains a popular reference for this kind of work. One source describes the 4 key areas of Emotional Intelligence in this way: Self-awareness Recognizing your own emotional state and the effect your emotions are having on you Self-management Using what you know about your emotional […]

Forbes: Work-Life Balance Vs. Work-Life Integration, Is There Really A Difference?

Forbes: Work-Life Balance Vs. Work-Life Integration, Is There Really A Difference?

Most people have heard the term “work-life balance,” but in recent years, the phrase “work-life integration” has been gaining popularity and given way to headlines such as “work-life balance is dead” and “work-life integration: the new norm.” Despite the growing popularity of work-life integration, is there really a difference between it and work-life balance? Source According to Merriam-Webster.com the word “integrate” is defined as “to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole.” Thereby concluding that work-life integration focuses on incorporating the different area’s of one’s life to create a whole picture. Balance, on the other hand, has almost twice as many definitions on Merriam-Webster including, “stability produced by even distribution of […]

Work-Life Balance is Dead | Here is why we should aim for work-life integration instead

Work-Life Balance is Dead  |  Here is why we should aim for work-life integration instead

Once upon a time, work took place outside of the home during designated hours. Today, that world is a fairy tale. If you checked your work email this past weekend, you’re likely aware that at most companies there is an unspoken expectation that employees tend to emails at all hours. Ron Friedman, Ph.D. is a social psychologist specializing in human motivation Source: PsychologyToday.com It would be easy to blame heartless managers or short-sighted CEOs for the collapsing boundaries between work and life. But the causes of this cultural shift are far more complex. As human beings, we thrive on feeling needed. Neurologically, certain elements of work can be addictive. Studies […]

20 Easy Tips to Increase Productivity at Work (+4 you can start tomorrow)

20 Easy Tips to Increase Productivity at Work (+4 you can start tomorrow)

It seems like more and more companies are adopting the motto “do more with less”. So where does that leave you? Scrambling to complete deadlines, wearing 18 different hats, answering a river of emails and phone calls… you get the point. The goal of this post is to help you find ways for you and your team to increase productivity at work. Instead of trying to do a bunch of these at once, find a couple that you can implement within your organization or department and practice them for at least 21 days. (the time it typically takes to form a new habit) Source List your “crucial results” for the […]

7 Meaningful Steps to Reduce Stress & Tension in Your Office

7 Meaningful Steps to Reduce Stress & Tension in Your Office

Most of us have worked with various different companies in our life span. Regardless of the deadlines and targets that need to be met, there are work environments that simply thrive on stress and others that keep it to a manageable minimum. Why is that? It often relates to the culture and actions that companies take to achieve just that. Increase results but make a strong effort by taking specific actions to reduce tension. Here are some steps towards that much desired balance: Source 1.  Identify the problem areas The first step to helping your stressed out employees is to find out what they’re stressed about. Stress comes in many […]