How your daily caffeine habit could be inhibiting your vitamin and mineral absorption. Coffee is pretty much a dietary staple these days. In fact it is the most popular caffeinated drink in the west, with 80% of adults in the USA admitting to sipping on it every single day. There are a tonne of proven health benefits to drinking coffee, but there are also a few drawbacks. Source: LYMA What is coffee? Coffee starts life as the seeds of berries that grow on Coffea plants. Coffee berries, as they are commonly known, once ripe, are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the […]
Regularly eating a variety of nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as citrus fruits and spinach, can help boost your immune health. Source: Healthline Immune System Boosters Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. If you’re looking for ways to prevent colds, the flu, and other infections, your first step should be a visit to your local grocery store. Plan your meals to include these 15 powerful immune system boosters. Food Fix: Immune System Boost 1. Citrus Fruits Most people turn straight to vitamin C after they’ve caught a cold. That’s because it helps build up your immune system. Vitamin C is thought to increase the production […]
I recently spent the weekend at a big hotel near Disneyland. While I didn’t set foot in the “Happiest Place on Earth,” I was bearing witness to another kind of magic at RAADfest — a longevity conference dubbed the “revolution against aging and death.” Source: Insider Some of the best anti-aging hacks are remarkably simple. Leafy greens can boost nitric oxide, while asparagus can help improve glutathione stores. I met experts at a longevity conference who told me the 12 anti-aging foods they eat. Researchers were sharing their latest findings on anti-aging, and some of it felt like Magic Kingdom-level fantasy. Swiss stem cell treatments that were billed as age-reversing, yellowy young plasma […]
Because nothing beats sitting down to a gorgeous plate of fruit every morning! Fruit truly is the perfect food. It’s the easiest for our bodies to digest, and our system has to do almost nothing to break it down. All fruit is good for you, but we should eat it when it’s ripe to properly digest it and use it for energy. Source Think of all the colours, shapes, and textures of fruit as different antioxidants and phytonutrients to load up on. And then include a variety of fruits in your diet to take advantage of all the benefits they have to offer — from fighting colds and warding off inflammation […]
Body odour can be due to hormonal changes in the body, excessive sweating, an unhealthy diet and genetics. The reasons can be many especially during summer season, but when your body smells offensive, you may start to lose your confidence and even become more self-conscious. Source Though deodorants and perfumes are available to control body odour, they do not treat the underlying cause. In many cases, the problem can be solved easily by just following a healthy diet. What you eat and don’t eat may contribute to the intensity of your body’s natural scent. In fact, there are many foods that will help you deodorize and cleanse your system. […]
Having nutritious snacks to eat during the workday can help you stay energized and productive. Still, coming up with ideas for snacks that are easy to prep, healthy, and portable can be difficult. Here are few simple and healthy snacks for work. On local terms…’Tupper Ideas’ Source 1. Nuts and dried fruit Nuts and dried fruit make for a healthy, non-perishable snack mix. This filling combo has a good balance of all three macronutrients, with healthy fats and protein from nuts and carbs from dried fruit. What’s more, both foods are loaded with fiber that can help keep you full between meals. WorkWell Recommended 2. Apples and peanut butter Apple […]
Are you running the same route, eating the same grilled chicken and veggies for dinner, or listening to the same playlists over and over? Anyone can fall into a rut, but it’s time to push past the monotony and re-energize your habits. Choose among these apps to find inspiration and ideas to eat, exercise and, yes, sleep better every day. Source: Forbes Meditation Studio Meditation has been proven to help people decrease stress, reduce anxiety, improve sleep and generally aid in managing challenging situations. Meditation Studio is one of the best apps in helping newbies and more advanced meditators alike achieve their zen goals. The app features a wide scope of […]
Employee wellness programs globally, have become a staple in many corporations as a way to attract top talent, keep them happy and productive, and decrease employee turnover. More so in Greece, where the financial situation has led to increased pressure while reducing employee benefits overall. But the key to having a successful corporate wellness program is by encouraging overall wellbeing while still keeping it fun. If you can’t get your team engaged then your wellness program ideas will quickly lose steam. So make your initiatives fun, try new ideas and see what your team values the most. Source 1. PROVIDE YOUR EMPLOYEES WITH HEALTHY OFFICE SNACKS Healthy snacks aid in […]
Μερικές πρακτικές συμβουλές απο την καταπληκτική Διατροφολόγο μας για τις γιορτές Straight to the point Για τις ημέρες που είστε καλεσμένοι σε τραπέζι ή έχετε τραπέζι στο σπίτι σας, φροντίστε να μην παραλείψετε το πρωινό σας και τα ενδιάμεσα snacks (θα σας ανακόψει αρκετά το αίσθημα της πείνας) Snacks Φρούτα, Ελαφριές σαλάτες, Γιαούρτι με μέλι και ξηρούς καρπούς, Κράκερς ή κριτσίνια ή μπάρες δημητριακών, Ξηροί καρποί Αν το τραπέζι είναι το μεσημέρι, φροντίστε το βράδυ να επιλέξετε κάποια από τις επιλογές για «ελαφρύ γεύμα» (αντίστοιχα και το μεσημέρι, αν το τραπέζι είναι το βράδυ) Στα γιορτινά τραπέζια, αποφύγετε (όσο μπορείτε) τα λιπαρά: σάλτσες, φαγητά με κρέμα γάλακτος και τηγανιτά […]
‘Xmas is the season for office snacks and happenings! These unique office snacks will keep your colleagues happy, healthy—and impressed with you—all season long. Source Delightful Drinks Party treats should lift you up, not weigh you down. Choose any of these delicious beverages if you’re looking for a refreshing office party treat. Tea Set out a carafe of steaming water with an assortment of tea bags, some orange slices, and maybe even a few cinnamon sticks for an easy office party treat to warm your coworkers’ hearts. Lavender Lemonade Combine the crisp flavor of lemon with the floral aroma of lavender to create a beverage perfect for washing down all […]