Few Healthier Office Snacks & Drinks Your Coworkers Will Rave About

Few Healthier Office Snacks & Drinks Your Coworkers Will Rave About

‘Xmas is the season for office snacks and happenings! These unique office snacks will keep your colleagues happy, healthy—and impressed with you—all season long. Source Delightful Drinks Party treats should lift you up, not weigh you down. Choose any of these delicious beverages if you’re looking for a refreshing office party treat. Tea Set out a carafe of steaming water with an assortment of tea bags, some orange slices, and maybe even a few cinnamon sticks for an easy office party treat to warm your coworkers’ hearts. Lavender Lemonade Combine the crisp flavor of lemon with the floral aroma of lavender to create a beverage perfect for washing down all […]

Employee Engagement – The What, Why’s n Results

Employee Engagement – The What, Why’s n Results

Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.   According to David Macleod: “This is about how we create the conditions in which employees offer more of their capability and potential”. Employee engagement is based on trust, integrity, two way commitment and communication between an organisation and its members. It is an approach that increases the chances of business success, contributing to organisational and individual performance, productivity and well-being. It can be measured. It varies […]

Meaningful ways to Inspire Employees and Increase Satisfaction

Meaningful ways to Inspire Employees and Increase Satisfaction

As an HR professional, do you ever think how much easier your job would be if all of the employees were satisfied? If all the staff you interact with loved their jobs, you’d probably love yours more as well. While there are some employees that are determined to be ‘difficult’ at work, most employees would appreciate your efforts to make them happier on the job. Employee attitudes typically reflect the moral of the company. In areas of customer service and sales, happy employees are extremely important because they represent the company to the public. Satisfaction, however, is not linked solely to compensation. Sure, a raise or benefits will probably improve employee […]

Evaluating Your Wellness Program

Evaluating Your Wellness Program

There are a lot of moving parts to a robust workplace wellness program. You may have to start small and build your program piece by piece. But eventually, you’ll want a program that covers all these bases.  Ok, you might be wondering ‘What Wellness Program’? But, even if you are at the stage of giving fruits every Wednesday, that’s a great start! We believe the following will simply help you get better at it.  Cause in principle I think we all agree that a healthier workplace, can bring out the best in your people!!   √ Prioritize physical fitness The cornerstone of a complete wellness program includes keeping bodies fit and strong.  This can […]

Carpal Tunnel and Massage (καρπικό σύνδρομο)

Carpal Tunnel and Massage (καρπικό σύνδρομο)

Anyway we put it, we are not really made to spend 6-8 hrs/day in front of a monitor so the body naturally reacts. And the level of reaction depends on the intensity of certain repetitive movements. One of them is ‘the mouse’. Practically a really good friend alongside its closest relative, the keyboard…Both play a crucial role in causing from discomfort to serious issues. Since it is difficult to be pro active to that, due to the demands of modern work tools, we can be reactive. Supportive in a way, with massage! Source In this article, we’ll cover what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is, it’s causes and symptoms, and ways to […]

6 Ways To Increase Employee Morale And Performance

6 Ways To Increase Employee Morale And Performance

FORBES / Entrepreneurs / Article by Cheryl Conner / link This week I had a visit with Salt Lake entrepreneur Amelia Wilcox, founder and CEO of Incorporate Massage. She started her company four and a half years ago, to provide corporate massage services for a variety of organizations. Research on the prevalence of corporate massage is scarce, but most sources indicate  its popularity is growing, and an article in the Financial Times quotes at least one company reporting a 25% decrease in time off for workplace injuries and a $200,000 decrease in compensation claims when it implemented a corporate massage program.   1. Give them a reason to believe Your employees are […]