How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings

How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings

One of the most challenging aspects of a virtual meeting is keeping people’s attention. It’s important to be thoughtful about how you engage attendees. In the first minute of your meeting, help participants experience the problem you want them to solve by sharing statistics, anecdotes, or analogies that dramatize the issue. Then emphasize shared responsibility for solving it. Define a highly structured and brief task they can tackle in small groups of two or three people and give them a medium with which to communicate with one another (video conference, Slack channel, messaging platform, audio breakouts).  Then have the groups report out. Never go longer than 5-10 minutes without giving […]

Secrets of engaging remote meetings

Secrets of engaging remote meetings

During the remote meeting Source 1. Introduce everyone The video camera doesn’t show every speaker throughout the meeting. Some software shows an icon or picture of who is involved in the meeting, but it is good practice to introduce everyone attending. Managers at OnPoint Consulting post pictures of attendees on the wall when the video is not used, because people are more willing to participate and are more open when they know who’s on the call. The most important step for increasing meeting engagement in my opinion is for the meeting host to ensure that all attendees are introduced and announced at the meeting, including their role (obviously if there […]

Digital minimalism 101: How to clear out your digital clutter and find focus and calm in 30 days

Digital minimalism 101: How to clear out your digital clutter and find focus and calm in 30 days

“How do you simplify your digital life?” is quickly becoming the question of our generation. Between packed calendars, overflowing inboxes, and the constant pull of social media and news (and Netflix) it can feel like how you spend your time online isn’t really up to you. Source But what if there was a way to use your technology without feeling used by it? The answer is Digital minimalism. Coined by author and computer science professor Cal Newport in his book of the same name, Digital minimalism is a philosophy of technology use based on the understanding that our relationship with our apps, tools, and phones is nuanced and deserves more […]

Πώς να περάσεις δημιουργικά τις φετινές γιορτές;

Πώς να περάσεις δημιουργικά τις φετινές γιορτές;

Τί είναι οι γιορτές; Όμορφες στιγμές, αληθινές και ζεστές. Και αυτές οι στιγμές είναι που μετράνε πολύ περισσότερο από τα πλουσιοπάροχα τραπέζια και τα φανταχτερά στολίδια και τραπεζομάντηλα. Ας δημιουργήσουμε και φέτος στιγμές. Στιγμές που θα υπάρξουμε μέσα τους, συνδεδεμένοι με όποιον τρόπο μπορούμε με αυτούς που αγαπάμε μέσα από την καρδιά μας. Ας κάνουμε κάθε στιγμή να μετρήσει, ας της δώσουμε την αξία που της αναλογεί. Το στοίχημα είναι να μετατρέψουμε το διαφορετικό, το πρωτόγνωρο για πολλούς από εμάς, σε μία θετική εμπειρία. Στολίστε το σπίτι σας Έστω και αν είστε μόνοι. Κάντε το για εσάς. Αφιερώνοντας αυτές τις γιορτινές μέρες στον εαυτό σας! Γιορτάζοντας τις νίκες του! Φτιάξτε […]

“Pandemic posture” hurting your back? You can fix it!

“Pandemic posture” hurting your back? You can fix it!

Here’s what to do if you’ve developed back pain from poor posture habits picked up in the last year. Source Move over, “Quarantine 15.” That term, coined for pandemic-era weight gain, isn’t the only catchy phrase from this challenging time. Now there’s “pandemic posture,” referring to poor posture from slouching at a desk or on a couch during time at home — and it brings lots of back pain complaints with it. We asked Dr. David Binder, a physiatrist and director of innovation at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, about this phenomenon and what to do if you’re experiencing it. Q. Is “pandemic posture” real? Dr. Binder: Yes, we have seen increased […]

How Long It Takes to Start Enjoying Exercise, According to Reddit

How Long It Takes to Start Enjoying Exercise, According to Reddit

“Once you start to see the results of your hard work, you become hooked.” Source Exercise isn’t always fun, and if you’re doing it to benefit your health or to support a weight-loss goal, it may feel like an awful chore. “People who enjoy exercise, when and how did you start to like it?” Here are some of the answers. If often takes a few months to start enjoying exercise Among people who named a specific period of time, 2-4 months seemed to be a common answer. Some pinpoints 80 days: I’ve exercised for 100 days straight now – 15 minutes of quick walking up steps + walking and yoga. It took […]

9 predictions about what the Future of Work will look like in 2021

9 predictions about what the Future of Work will look like in 2021

In 2020, tech CEOs, HR leaders, and founders moved quickly to upgrade their skills to meet the demands of remote work. Here is their advice on how you can do the same. Source Now that the debate about remote work is over, it’s time for managers to set new goals for managing the workforce of 2021. Many teams have never met in person and may never work side by side. Some employees joined the company via Zoom and connect with colleagues exclusively via a laptop screen.  Managers need new tactics for communicating with workers day to day and bringing new team members into established groups. This means trying new collaboration platforms such […]

Never Have an Unproductive Day Again With This Simple Hack

Never Have an Unproductive Day Again With This Simple Hack

James Clear is an author and productivity expert who uses behavioral science to help nearly half a million newsletter subscribers optimize their habits. Nir Eyal is a tech entrepreneur, Stanford University educator and the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. The two recently sat down to discuss how to put technology in its place, build a better work culture and supercharge your daily productivity.   Source Nir: You’ve done a lot of work on how to change behaviors within a workplace environment. How do we prioritize properly, and how do you change productivity by developing good habits? James: So there’s a story. It’s 1918 or so, and the CEO of Bethlehem Steel, one of […]

8 best mindfulness apps

8 best mindfulness apps

If there’s one wellness trend that stands out from the last couple of years, it’s mindfulness. Not only is it wildly popular, with a legion of dedicated fans across the globe, but it has also become a billion-pound business.   Source: Independent So can taking time out of your day to concentrate on yourself really help to increase your health and happiness? The NHS says yes. According to its website: “Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can not only help improve mental wellbeing … but can help help you enjoy life and understand yourself better.” Thanks to the boom, there […]

Neuroscience shows that 50-year-olds can have the brains of 25-year-olds if they sit quietly and do nothing for 15′ a day

Neuroscience shows that 50-year-olds can have the brains of 25-year-olds if they sit quietly and do nothing for 15′ a day

Meditation is a form of mental exercise that has become a popular US health practice. Regular practice of meditation is reported to produce changes in mental state and resting electroencephalogram patterns that persist beyond the time-period of active practice.   Source: Business Insider Neuroscientist Sara Lazar found that people who practiced meditation had more gray matter in the part of the brain linked to decision-making and working memory: the frontal cortex.  While most people see their cortexes shrink as they age, 50-year-old meditators in the study had the same amount of gray matter as those half their age. Participants in the study averaged about 27 minutes of the habit a […]