Is a Workplace Massage Program Right for your Office?

Is a Workplace Massage Program Right for your Office?

There is a lot to consider when answering this question. And though there may be a lot of reasons to move forward with a program like this, there are also some real things to evaluate to make sure that it’s a good fit for your corporate culture, your budget, and business.   Source 4 Reasons a Workplace Massage Program Would Not Be a Good Fit 1. Make sure you have room to grow the massage program. Along the lines of the point listed above, if you have a set budget and the program grows in popularity (which it always does) or your company is in growth mode, you might find that […]

7 Meaningful Steps to Reduce Stress & Tension in Your Office

7 Meaningful Steps to Reduce Stress & Tension in Your Office

Most of us have worked with various different companies in our life span. Regardless of the deadlines and targets that need to be met, there are work environments that simply thrive on stress and others that keep it to a manageable minimum. Why is that? It often relates to the culture and actions that companies take to achieve just that. Increase results but make a strong effort by taking specific actions to reduce tension. Here are some steps towards that much desired balance: Source 1.  Identify the problem areas The first step to helping your stressed out employees is to find out what they’re stressed about. Stress comes in many […]

Engagement Ideas that actually make sense (especially in Greece)

Engagement Ideas that actually make sense (especially in Greece)

Employees are the most important part of any organisation. Employees at every level should feel motivated and happy to give their best to their responsibilities. Engaging them helps a company achieve this, which in turn leads to the company’s success.   In our previous article we connected the dots between what engagement is, its importance, some of the broader results it can bring along and provided a wide approach to it. Now, let’s look at few great ideas that can be implemented locally and connect the dots with Wellness this time! Source Employees need something for motivation (Besides money) Consider any sport. Sure, the winners make money. But what drives […]

Eight Ideas to Reduce Employee Stress for Free

Eight Ideas to Reduce Employee Stress for Free

Keeping employee stress levels low is a common interest among business owners and managers. The less overwhelmed by stress employees are, the more productive they can be. Unfortunately, there’s not usually a big budget set aside for office stress relief. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we go over 8 ideas for free office stress relief.    Offices aren’t the most relaxing places. Far from it. That is, unless you find countless meetings and deadlines relaxing. It’s not just offices themselves. Work’s just stressful. Always has been, and probably always will be. Try as we might, the more we invest money in open layouts, feng shui, or rewards, […]

Six Corporate Health and Wellness Topics

Six Corporate Health and Wellness Topics

Envisioning corporate wellness programs is one thing – implementing them with success and high employee participation is another! Keeping in mind that the participation levels will either ‘make it’ or ‘break it’, we must always strive to make them meaningful and practical when we set them forward. In this article, we’ll cover six ideas including fitness, stress management, nutrition and more. Source:   1. Food and Nutrition Finding ways to eat healthy food with a busy work/life schedule can be tough. Some people struggle with knowing what kinds of foods are best for their body, others may want to know more about portion controls, or simple ways to clean […]

Top 6 Apps for Employee Recognition

Top 6 Apps for Employee Recognition

Όλοι γνωρίζουμε πόσο σημαντική είναι η αναγνώριση των εργαζομένων για τη διατήρηση του υψηλού ηθικού. Και οι εταιρείες σήμερα έχουν τόνους επιλογών, όταν πρόκειται για την αυτοματοποίηση της ανατροφοδότησης των εργαζομένων (feedback). Σε αυτό το άρθρο, θα εξετάσουμε τα κορυφαία 6 προγράμματα ανατροφοδότησης και αναγνώρισης προσωπικού που μπορείτε να αγοράσετε, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των χαρακτηριστικών και την τιμή της κάθε λύσης.   Οι εφαρμογές και το λογισμικό που ενσωματώνουν ανατροφοδότηση των εργαζομένων και σύστηματα ανταμοιβής φέρνουν την αναγνώριση των εργαζομένων στη σύγχρονη εποχή. Τα προϊόντα αυτά επιτρέπουν στους HR Specialists την αυτοματοποίηση και βελτίωση των συστημάτων αξιολόγησης και αναγνώρισης των εργαζομένων τους. Όλες οι πληροφορίες είναι εμπιστευτικές στο προφίλ της κάθε εταιρείας. […]

Meaningful ways to Inspire Employees and Increase Satisfaction

Meaningful ways to Inspire Employees and Increase Satisfaction

As an HR professional, do you ever think how much easier your job would be if all of the employees were satisfied? If all the staff you interact with loved their jobs, you’d probably love yours more as well. While there are some employees that are determined to be ‘difficult’ at work, most employees would appreciate your efforts to make them happier on the job. Employee attitudes typically reflect the moral of the company. In areas of customer service and sales, happy employees are extremely important because they represent the company to the public. Satisfaction, however, is not linked solely to compensation. Sure, a raise or benefits will probably improve employee […]

Evaluating Your Wellness Program

Evaluating Your Wellness Program

There are a lot of moving parts to a robust workplace wellness program. You may have to start small and build your program piece by piece. But eventually, you’ll want a program that covers all these bases.  Ok, you might be wondering ‘What Wellness Program’? But, even if you are at the stage of giving fruits every Wednesday, that’s a great start! We believe the following will simply help you get better at it.  Cause in principle I think we all agree that a healthier workplace, can bring out the best in your people!!   √ Prioritize physical fitness The cornerstone of a complete wellness program includes keeping bodies fit and strong.  This can […]