Evaluating Your Wellness Program

Evaluating Your Wellness Program

There are a lot of moving parts to a robust workplace wellness program. You may have to start small and build your program piece by piece. But eventually, you’ll want a program that covers all these bases.  Ok, you might be wondering ‘What Wellness Program’? But, even if you are at the stage of giving fruits every Wednesday, that’s a great start! We believe the following will simply help you get better at it.  Cause in principle I think we all agree that a healthier workplace, can bring out the best in your people!!   √ Prioritize physical fitness The cornerstone of a complete wellness program includes keeping bodies fit and strong.  This can […]

Carpal Tunnel and Massage (καρπικό σύνδρομο)

Carpal Tunnel and Massage (καρπικό σύνδρομο)

Anyway we put it, we are not really made to spend 6-8 hrs/day in front of a monitor so the body naturally reacts. And the level of reaction depends on the intensity of certain repetitive movements. One of them is ‘the mouse’. Practically a really good friend alongside its closest relative, the keyboard…Both play a crucial role in causing from discomfort to serious issues. Since it is difficult to be pro active to that, due to the demands of modern work tools, we can be reactive. Supportive in a way, with massage! Source In this article, we’ll cover what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is, it’s causes and symptoms, and ways to […]