Xmas with WorkWell

Xmas with WorkWell

Looking for fun, educational and interesting ideas for Xmas? Ideas like Kids Yoga, Healthy Sweets Workshops, Fairy Tales and Xmas Cocktails!   What we suggest to bring your people together   1. Healthy sweets workshop Put your cooking hat on, read our recipe, buy the ingredients and prepare with us, live, sweets that your neighbors will fight over them 😉 2. Kid’s Yoga By A Child Pedagogue Amaze your kids with a short session of walking in the jungle, imitating an animal, stretching under the sun and even discover simple and effective, new ways to ‘negotiate’ with them. 3. Xmas Cocktails By A Bartender We will invite you to get […]

Take control of your job satisfaction

Take control of your job satisfaction

True job satisfaction is tricky to find and even trickier to maintain, yet it’s essential to our well-being in and out of the workplace. Think about it, most of us spend the majority of our time at work, so feeling fulfilled in what we do every day will hugely affect our quality of life, not to mention our day-to-day productivity, performance and career success. Source So, stop and reflect for a second. How satisfied are you in your day-to-day role? Are you just going through the motions, feeling disconnected from what you do, and the reason you do it? If so, then you need to take matters into your own […]