How to Convince Your CEO & CFO to Invest in a Wellness Program

How to Convince Your CEO & CFO to Invest in a Wellness Program

Leaders are excited about wellness, but that enthusiasm doesn’t always translate into action. Despite all of the upsides C-suites see in these initiatives — from employee satisfaction to an increased competitive advantage — about half also view wellness programs as a fad in which they don’t see the value. When leaders want to support wellbeing but are unconvinced wellness programs will have a lasting impact, it’s not surprising they may hesitate to invest. Wellbeing is imperative, so you want a solution you’re confident works. Source: Human Resource Executive How to Calculate the ROI of Your Wellness Program If you feel overwhelmed at the idea of proving the financial ROI of […]

Use Productivity ‘Sprints’ When Your Attention Span Is Low

Use Productivity ‘Sprints’ When Your Attention Span Is Low

When you have a lot of work to do, a short attention span can be disastrous to your productivity. So instead of fighting it, you can use it to your advantage by working in “sprints” rather than trying for a marathon session. Source: LIFEHACKER Like the Pomodoro technique, the sprints method has you work in a series of shorter bursts, so you can get your tasks done without your attention or productivity lagging. Here’s how to try it out.. What is the sprints method? When using the sprints method, you’ll be doing short bursts of work with breaks in between. That’s really all it is, but since taking breaks is fundamental to […]

Reflect, Set, Go: Setting Worthwhile Goals For 2024

Reflect, Set, Go: Setting Worthwhile Goals For 2024

Founder of Angie Wisdom Life & Business Coaching, Professional Certified Coach, motivational speaker and awareness creator. The new year is here, and our focus is now on what to expect in 2024. Regardless of whether 2023 was a banner year for you – or one of necessary change – I challenge you to do as I advise my clients: create the best version of the life you want in 2024.  Source: Forbes What does that mean? It’s time to no longer ignore the bigger goals and dreams that have been set aside to achieve your success. Imagine if, in the next year, you could reach for more and still have high levels […]

6 Ways to Come Back Ready for Work After a Vacation

6 Ways to Come Back Ready for Work After a Vacation

You aren’t alone if you’ve ever felt like you needed a vacation from your vacation. I’ve found 6 strategies to help you push past that post-vacation dread and get you back on track. Source: Inc You finally took a break from work and went on a well-deserved vacation. Days or weeks of relaxation, foreign foods, and a comfy hotel bed have you wishing that it would never end. But, going back to work is inevitable. That thought alone makes your stomach churn. No one wants to think about emails, deadlines, and managing finances or meetings after an amazing holiday. I know I don’t. However, it can’t be avoided, especially if you want to […]

How Does Emailing After Hours Create Burnout and Impact Your Mental Health?

How Does Emailing After Hours Create Burnout and Impact Your Mental Health?

Employee burnout is a real problem affecting many modern workplaces. Learn why sending after-hours emails can contribute to employee burnout and what you can do about it. Source: Discover Many American workers have heard that familiar ding just as they sit down to dinner or plop in front of the television. A glance at their smartphone shows a preview of a work-related message. A co-worker has a “quick question” or is “just circling back” to an earlier discussion. Technically, the worker is off the clock and not required to respond. But people admit to engaging in email during their off time. Twenty-eight percent of American workers said they check their […]

Drop those bad remote work habits now!

Drop those bad remote work habits now!

Workers seem to love remote work. Too bad it may be killing them. On the one hand, it rescued many from pointless commutes, helped them to crank up productivity, and gave them a new form of work-life balance. On the other hand, it led to some hunching over laptops on the couch for long stretches, damaging their physical health, mental health, and sometimes even relationships. Source Welcome to the “It’s complicated” love affair between employees and remote work. Like many complicated relationships, this one kicked off with a bang. Overnight, the proportion of the US population working from home increased from about 15% to upwards of 60%, according to research published by Queen’s University in Ontario, […]

3 Steps CEOs Need to Take to Support Employee Mental Health

3 Steps CEOs Need to Take to Support Employee Mental Health

How to prioritize employee mental health from the top down. Now that we’ve passed the three-year mark of the pandemic, it’s clear that employee mental health and well-being have been significantly strained — and by extension, so have American workplaces. At the height of quarantine, businesses enthusiastically implemented initiatives that assisted their employees in these areas, but in some instances, those programs seem to have fallen by the wayside in a rush to return to “normal.” Source: Inc However, some businesses have continued with these pandemic-motivated programs and are continuing to see much success. In a recent episode of my top-ranked podcast, Keith Nealon, CEO of Bazaarvoice, the product review and user-generated content solutions provider, shared […]

Why Do Bosses Try To Get Workers Back To The Office? They Don’t Know How To Build A Culture Of Remote Collaboration

Why Do Bosses Try To Get Workers Back To The Office? They Don’t Know How To Build A Culture Of Remote Collaboration

Organizations have to pivot their corporate culture if they wish to survive and thrive in the world of virtual collaboration after the pandemic. To adapt to the hybrid and remote future of work, leaders need to benchmark and adapt best practices based on external research, as I learned from my interviews with 47 mid-level and 14 senior leaders I guided through the transition to the future of work. Source: Forbes Why Did Corporate Culture Suffer During the Pandemic? Culture refers to the social and emotional glue that bonds employees together into a community of belonging, motivates employees, and protects against burnout. It includes the norms and practices that determine how people collaborate. It also involves the values that guide the community of […]

5 Morning Habits That Will Make You Super Productive All Day

5 Morning Habits That Will Make You Super Productive All Day

Would you like to get a jump start on your day and keep yourself in a high state of productivity all day, every day? Before you start your work routine at your normal earthly time, consider this: many of the world’s most successful founders and CEOs (think Apple’s Tim Cook) have an edge because they’re starting their day at a time when the rest of us are still asleep. Source: Inc. How early are we talking? As I covered here, 4 a.m. may be the most productive time of the day, because there are minimal distractions before the sun rises, no one is emailing or texting you, and there’s less to see on social media. If that’s not your […]

Mental Health In The Workplace: Predicted Trends For 2023

Mental Health In The Workplace: Predicted Trends For 2023

As we get into 2023, mental health in the workplace continues to be a major focus. Over the past few years, more employers have realized they need to protect employee’s mental health and wellbeing and make these efforts a part of companies’ attraction and retention programs. Source: Forbes I interviewed registered psychologist Dr. Daniel Selling, CEO of Williamsburg Therapy Group, about mental health trends that will impact the workplace in 2023. Here are three trends to watch: Mental Health Will Be Front And Center. Rates of burnout, anxiety, and depression are at record levels. In addition to pushing employers to offer generous employee benefits packages, companies will also be forced to rethink […]