This habit may seem harmless, but it can really mess with your entire day (and night!). Source: Huffpost You’ve likely heard that a good night of sleep starts in the morning, and sleep experts agree with this statement wholeheartedly. This is because of our circadian rhythm, or our body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, which is a 24-hour process. “The circadian rhythm, your internal biological clock, operates on a roughly 24-hour cycle and dictates when you feel awake or sleepy, largely influenced by light exposure,” explained Dr. Chester Wu, a double-board certified psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist. “Health behaviours in the morning reinforce a strong circadian rhythm, promoting wakefulness during the day and sleepiness […]
So you want to find the perfect morning routine, but you’re not sure where to start. Maybe you’re not a “morning person” (yet), but want to explore what that may look like for you. Or perhaps you feel like your morning routine is chaotic and disorganized, and want to seek ways to regain order at the start of your day. Source: ClickUp Whatever your reason for wanting to set a morning routine, creating one that fits your lifestyle will be the key to finding and maintaining a solid morning routine – and one you actually enjoy having! Wouldn’t be nice to start your days feeling refreshed and energized to take […]
Would you like to get a jump start on your day and keep yourself in a high state of productivity all day, every day? Before you start your work routine at your normal earthly time, consider this: many of the world’s most successful founders and CEOs (think Apple’s Tim Cook) have an edge because they’re starting their day at a time when the rest of us are still asleep. Source: Inc. How early are we talking? As I covered here, 4 a.m. may be the most productive time of the day, because there are minimal distractions before the sun rises, no one is emailing or texting you, and there’s less to see on social media. If that’s not your […]