7 Practical Strategies For Being More Productive In 2024

7 Practical Strategies For Being More Productive In 2024

Vanderkam draws on research and her own experience as a full-time professional and mother of 5 kids (yes, 5!). Here, she offers some ways to get the most out of your day   Source: Entrepreneur 1. Track your time “When people say they want to spend their time better, the first thing I always tell them is to figure out where the time is going now,” Vanderkam says. “Because if you don’t know where the time is going now, how do you know if you are changing the right thing?” She suggests tracking how you spend every day from 5 am to 4:30 pm for an entire week. This will […]

The Pomodoro Technique Explained

The Pomodoro Technique Explained

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time-management method invented by Italian Francesco Cirillo. He wrote, “I discovered that you could learn how to improve your effectiveness and be better able to estimate how long a task will take to complete by recording how you utilize your time.” Source: Forbes The technique is popular, perhaps because it’s portable and easy to learn. Pick one project or task you want to focus on. Set a timer for 25-30 minutes, and get to work. When the buzzer sounds, take a two-to-three-minute break. Repeat. After four sessions, take a longer break. Record each session with a tick or X in your notebook The Pomodoro Technique […]

Use Productivity ‘Sprints’ When Your Attention Span Is Low

Use Productivity ‘Sprints’ When Your Attention Span Is Low

When you have a lot of work to do, a short attention span can be disastrous to your productivity. So instead of fighting it, you can use it to your advantage by working in “sprints” rather than trying for a marathon session. Source: LIFEHACKER Like the Pomodoro technique, the sprints method has you work in a series of shorter bursts, so you can get your tasks done without your attention or productivity lagging. Here’s how to try it out.. What is the sprints method? When using the sprints method, you’ll be doing short bursts of work with breaks in between. That’s really all it is, but since taking breaks is fundamental to […]

How to Fall Asleep Faster Using the Science-Backed ‘K-9 Trick’

How to Fall Asleep Faster Using the Science-Backed ‘K-9 Trick’

Follow these four strategies to get more rest and increase your productivity. Every night, millions of people are faced with the battle of falling asleep-and staying asleep.  And until about six months ago I was one of those millions. Before finally learning how to fall asleep faster, sleep was a nightly battle that made my day to day life something of a nightmare. It’s no secret that sleep plays a critical role in our overall health-and lives. It impacts our daily lives and the longevity of our lives. From our energy levels, attention span, critical thinking skills, productivity, creativity and even our ability to procreate-sleep affects our personal lives, our […]

6 Ways to Come Back Ready for Work After a Vacation

6 Ways to Come Back Ready for Work After a Vacation

You aren’t alone if you’ve ever felt like you needed a vacation from your vacation. I’ve found 6 strategies to help you push past that post-vacation dread and get you back on track. Source: Inc You finally took a break from work and went on a well-deserved vacation. Days or weeks of relaxation, foreign foods, and a comfy hotel bed have you wishing that it would never end. But, going back to work is inevitable. That thought alone makes your stomach churn. No one wants to think about emails, deadlines, and managing finances or meetings after an amazing holiday. I know I don’t. However, it can’t be avoided, especially if you want to […]

How Does Emailing After Hours Create Burnout and Impact Your Mental Health?

How Does Emailing After Hours Create Burnout and Impact Your Mental Health?

Employee burnout is a real problem affecting many modern workplaces. Learn why sending after-hours emails can contribute to employee burnout and what you can do about it. Source: Discover Many American workers have heard that familiar ding just as they sit down to dinner or plop in front of the television. A glance at their smartphone shows a preview of a work-related message. A co-worker has a “quick question” or is “just circling back” to an earlier discussion. Technically, the worker is off the clock and not required to respond. But people admit to engaging in email during their off time. Twenty-eight percent of American workers said they check their […]

A company replaced all of its managers with coaches. Employees became 20% more productive–and much happier

A company replaced all of its managers with coaches. Employees became 20% more productive–and much happier

There’s a crisis developing in workplaces everywhere. According to an annual survey by Gallup, employee engagement dropped to a seven-year low in 2022. Only a third of workers reported feeling engaged at work, while almost a fifth (18%) described themselves as “actively disengaged.” Source: Forbes Gallup’s measure of engagement is made up of several elements, which employees are asked to rate. Those that have declined the most include: clarity of expectations, opportunities to learn and grow, connection to the purpose of the company, opportunities to do what employees do best, and feeling cared about at work. Employee engagement began to fall in 2021, the same year the “great resignation” was coined as […]

A Neurologist’s Secret Weapon for Keeping Your Memory Sharp as You Age: Novels

A Neurologist’s Secret Weapon for Keeping Your Memory Sharp as You Age: Novels

Reading fiction doesn’t just boost emotional intelligence, concentration, and critical thinking. It also helps prevent memory loss. If you’re a busy entrepreneur, sitting down with a novel might seem like nothing more than a light and enjoyable way to unwind. But science suggests fiction offers our brains a lot more than just distraction and stress relief. Source: Inc Research suggests that deep, concentrated reading–the kind we do when we sink deeply into a great novel–builds key mental skills like focus and empathy as well as the ability to sift through complicated information and analyze conflicting arguments. Reading doesn’t just fill our brains with images and ideas. It actually rewires how we think about them. All of which adds up […]

4 Clear Signs That You May Be Smarter Than You Think

4 Clear Signs That You May Be Smarter Than You Think

True intelligence extends beyond the acquisition of knowledge. Conventional wisdom may point to smart people with advanced cognition, creativity, or high IQ. Still, if you ever wondered whether you belong with the brainy bunch, these four signs may confirm what you already know. For others, it may be a pleasant surprise that you are, indeed, smarter than the average bear. Source: Inc 1. You’re highly curious Harvard Business Review reports that people with a higher curiosity quotient (CQ) are more inquisitive and generate more original ideas, and that this thinking style leads to higher levels of knowledge acquisition over time. CQ, the author states, “is the ultimate tool to produce simple solutions for complex problems.” Now imagine a corporate […]

Drop those bad remote work habits now!

Drop those bad remote work habits now!

Workers seem to love remote work. Too bad it may be killing them. On the one hand, it rescued many from pointless commutes, helped them to crank up productivity, and gave them a new form of work-life balance. On the other hand, it led to some hunching over laptops on the couch for long stretches, damaging their physical health, mental health, and sometimes even relationships. Source Welcome to the “It’s complicated” love affair between employees and remote work. Like many complicated relationships, this one kicked off with a bang. Overnight, the proportion of the US population working from home increased from about 15% to upwards of 60%, according to research published by Queen’s University in Ontario, […]