How employee wellness varies across generations: The rush to meet worker needs for Gen Y, Z, X

How employee wellness varies across generations: The rush to meet worker needs for Gen Y, Z, X

Establishing a strong employee wellness program is critical for employers, yet with more workplaces featuring multi-generational workers, reaching balance remains a challenge. Source: Thompson Reuters Before 2020, managing employee wellness was already seen as a challenge and one that could impact employee engagement. Indeed, it seems that engagement and wellness are ineradicably linked, according to one recent study, which suggested that: Employee engagement positively relates to wellness because engagement is noticeably lower among employees experiencing low or very low physical, financial or emotional wellness. Further, the impact of wellness and engagement in differing generational cohorts has been under-recognized. It is no secret that Gen Zers and young Millennials, who as […]

WorkWell Wellness Day 2022 @COCO-MAT

WorkWell Wellness Day 2022 @COCO-MAT

Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Εβδομάδα Ευεξίας η WorkWell σας προσκαλεί σε μια ημέρα φροντίδας αφιερωμένη στην εταιρική υγεία και ευεξία την Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου και ώρα 16:00 με 21:00 στον πολυχώρο της COCO-MAT @ Κηφισιά. Η ημέρα αυτή είναι ανοιχτή αποκλειστικά σε επικεφαλής των τμημάτων Διαχείρισης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (HR) και στελέχη επιχειρήσεων.   Καταξιωμένοι ειδικοί και θεραπευτές θα καθοδηγήσουν βιωματικά εργαστήρια και θα προσφέρουν ατομικές θεραπευτικές συνεδρίες, γύρω από μια πληθώρα δραστηριοτήτων εταιρικής ευεξίας όπως Κινησιολογία, Γιόγκα, Διαλογισμός, Εργονομία Σώματος & Γραφείου, Διατροφή, Ρεφλεξολογία, Mindfulness και φυσικά το αγαπημένο μας Chair Massage. Σκοπός μας να ενημερώσουμε εις βάθος αλλά και να εξοικειώσουμε τα στελέχη που θα παρευρεθούν με τις πλέον […]

Why 2022 will demand deeper HR action on Wellbeing

Why 2022 will demand deeper HR action on Wellbeing

If HR leaders had to choose one word to define their focus over the last year, “wellbeing” likely would rank near the top. And, according to several experts, that trend is poised to continue well into 2022. Source: HR As news of the new Omicron COVID-19 variant threatens to upend back-to-the-office plans and prolong a pandemic many had hoped would have been behind us by now, employees will continue to need support, says Christine Deputy, chief people officer at Pinterest. “We thought, coming into 2021, that we’d be in a year of recovery and recuperation and getting past what happened in 2020–but we’re seeing now this will be at least a two-year […]

Looking for the Hire Power – How Companies Can Win the Battle for Talent

Looking for the Hire Power – How Companies Can Win the Battle for Talent

The global talent shortage that began before COVID-19 entered our lexicon has only accelerated thanks to the pandemic. Companies that can successfully manage the labor market have a competitive advantage over other organizations that are falling short in the battle for talent. Source With 69% of employers around the world reporting they cannot find the workers with the skills they need, the recent ManpowerGroup report, The Great Realization: A Look at the 2022 Labor Landscape, finds whoever holds the talent holds the future. The talent shortage challenge is a complex issue with no easy answers. Several factors are at play, including: Shifting demographics (including shrinking birth rates) Reduced mobility across borders […]

International Childhood Cancer Day 15/02 @ 18:00

International Childhood Cancer Day 15/02 @ 18:00

“Μια online δράση με φιλανθρωπικό χαρακτήρα με σκοπό την περαιτέρω επίγνωση της ημέρας αυτής και την ενίσχυση αναγκών του Make-A-Wish”   Θεματολογία Σήμερα στην Ευρώπη ζουν περί τους 500.000 ενηλίκους που αντιμετώπισαν κάποιου είδους παιδικό ή εφηβικό καρκίνο και βγήκαν νικητές. Μάλιστα, το 80% όσων παιδιών νοσήσουν από καρκίνο στις αναπτυγμένες χώρες, αναρρώνει, σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που βγήκαν στη δημοσιότητα με αφορμή τη σημερινή ημέρα. Στη χώρα μας, περίπου 300 παιδιά προσβάλλονται ετησίως από καρκίνο, κυρίως από λευχαιμία. Ενημερωθείτε, εντοπίστε τα “σημάδια” και δράστε ΑΜΕΣΑ FACTS Οι πιο συχνοί τύποι καρκίνου που εκδηλώνονται στα παιδιά είναι η λευχαιμία (30%), ο όγκος εγκεφάλου, ο όγκος στη σπονδυλική στήλη (26%) και τα λεμφώματα Περίπου το 50% των περιπτώσεων του καρκίνου στα παιδιά εμφανίζεται σε ηλικία 0-4 […]

Commit to ’22 Like a Pro

Commit to ’22 Like a Pro

Enrich your New Year Activities and Welcome Your People! Add optimism by offering them self care and self improvement tools. Whether online or onsite, we promise there is added value in all following ideas!   A) Cocktail Party Book an entire bar digitally for your people! Our bartender will welcome you to their place, ready to share tips with you. Buy the ingredients and enjoy with us the warm company of this winter drink. Target Group: Everyone Group Size: Online Unlimited Time: 30′ B) Vision Board What a better way to kick start our year by creating our own board of aspirations, dreams and goals! Active visualisation helps us attract […]

Xmas with WorkWell 21

Xmas with WorkWell 21

Looking for fun, educational and interesting ideas for Xmas? Ideas like Kids Yoga, Meeting Spiderman, Fairy Tales and Wellness Bags!   Here is a range of different and wellness online oriented options   1. Kid’s Yoga By A Child Pedagogue Amaze your kids with a short session of walking in the jungle, imitating an animal, stretching under the sun and even discover simple and effective, new ways to ‘negotiate’ with them.   2. Xmas Wellness Bags “The joy of opening a small gift is a feeling we all loved since we were kids and can still go a long way, when done right!” Extend your gratitude towards your people by […]

7 ways to make yourself a happier person every day

7 ways to make yourself a happier person every day

In our daily routines fueled by drive and ambition, sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads: Do we push harder toward achievement, or do we take a step back and instead seek quiet happiness? Some would argue that happiness is found in the achievement. If that’s true, then I ask for someone to show me. Achievement is fleeting. Source   What matters more is the feeling underneath it The challenge is how to navigate both worlds. Is it possible to both be in a position of power and be humble? Can you be wealthy outside and in? How does one navigate the grueling road of business or high-speed innovation, while […]

International Childhood Cancer Day 15/02 @ 18:00

International Childhood Cancer Day 15/02 @ 18:00

“Μια online δράση με φιλανθρωπικό χαρακτήρα με σκοπό την περαιτέρω επίγνωση της ημέρας αυτής και τους τρόπους που μπορούμε όλοι να συνεισφέρουμε”   Θεματολογία Σήμερα στην Ευρώπη ζουν περί τους 500.000 ενηλίκους που αντιμετώπισαν κάποιου είδους παιδικό ή εφηβικό καρκίνο και βγήκαν νικητές. Μάλιστα, το 80% όσων παιδιών νοσήσουν από καρκίνο στις αναπτυγμένες χώρες, αναρρώνει, σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που βγήκαν στη δημοσιότητα με αφορμή τη σημερινή ημέρα. Στη χώρα μας, περίπου 300 παιδιά προσβάλλονται ετησίως από καρκίνο, κυρίως από λευχαιμία. Ο καθένας μας μπορεί να συνεισφέρει στον αγώνα ζωής των µικρών ασθενών, με το να γίνει εθελοντής αιμοδότης, δότης µυελού των οστών και με το να στηρίξει τους συλλόγους και φορείς υποστήριξης των παιδιών και των οικογενειών τους. Δομή Δράσεων    25΄ Yoga […]

Why you should resist the urge to multitask during Zoom meetings

Why you should resist the urge to multitask during Zoom meetings

It’s so tempting, but it can wreak havoc on your productivity. Here’s how to find your focus instead. And remember…it’s a two way relationship between the presenter and the attendee. Source We’ve all heard that multitasking is bad and switching between activities makes it harder to complete them. But let’s be honest—many of us multitask during Zoom meetings, especially as we enter the 10th month of working remotely and our Zoom fatigue has worsened. But checking email or making a grocery list can have a negative ripple effect you may not realize, says Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done. “Switching between tasks can […]