What’s the secret to Denmark’s happy work-life balance?

What’s the secret to Denmark’s happy work-life balance?

Gabriel Hoces repeats a word seven times when he discusses what it’s like to work in Denmark – “trust“. Source: BBC “No one is trying to micromanage you, or look over your shoulder,” says Mr Hoces, who works for a tech firm in Copenhagen. “Bosses aren’t coming in to check if you put in eight or nine hours a day, as they mainly only care if you completed your projects. There’s a lot of trust in Denmark in that way, and I don’t feel a hierarchy at my job. It’s all very democratic. It is no surprise to Mr Hoces, a married father of two young daughters, that Denmark is […]

A company replaced all of its managers with coaches. Employees became 20% more productive–and much happier

A company replaced all of its managers with coaches. Employees became 20% more productive–and much happier

There’s a crisis developing in workplaces everywhere. According to an annual survey by Gallup, employee engagement dropped to a seven-year low in 2022. Only a third of workers reported feeling engaged at work, while almost a fifth (18%) described themselves as “actively disengaged.” Source: Forbes Gallup’s measure of engagement is made up of several elements, which employees are asked to rate. Those that have declined the most include: clarity of expectations, opportunities to learn and grow, connection to the purpose of the company, opportunities to do what employees do best, and feeling cared about at work. Employee engagement began to fall in 2021, the same year the “great resignation” was coined as […]

4 Clear Signs That You May Be Smarter Than You Think

4 Clear Signs That You May Be Smarter Than You Think

True intelligence extends beyond the acquisition of knowledge. Conventional wisdom may point to smart people with advanced cognition, creativity, or high IQ. Still, if you ever wondered whether you belong with the brainy bunch, these four signs may confirm what you already know. For others, it may be a pleasant surprise that you are, indeed, smarter than the average bear. Source: Inc 1. You’re highly curious Harvard Business Review reports that people with a higher curiosity quotient (CQ) are more inquisitive and generate more original ideas, and that this thinking style leads to higher levels of knowledge acquisition over time. CQ, the author states, “is the ultimate tool to produce simple solutions for complex problems.” Now imagine a corporate […]

How to Learn Any Skill Fast

How to Learn Any Skill Fast

It comes down to these four timeless principles. Source: inc.com If only I could have learned a new language last year. If only I learned about investing when I was still in my early 20s. For many of us, there are more things we want to learn than we have time to. Shortening the learning curve is a topic that’s been studied for many years. I’ve personally applied what I’m about to share now to learning how to speak Spanish, English, and Korean (plus a bit of Portuguese). You will also be able to leverage these principles in any topic including business, musical instruments, and more. Deconstruct the skill The first step is to […]