Mindfulness Vs. Meditation: What’s The Difference?

Mindfulness Vs. Meditation: What’s The Difference?

Meditation and mindfulness are popular techniques used to boost mental health and clarity. Even better, science backs them as viable therapies for various mental wellness concerns including anxiety, stress and depression. The two concepts are often conflated, but while they are similar, mindfulness and meditation are practiced differently and can have varying functions. Learn more about how they differ, how they can benefit you and how to start your own mindfulness or meditation routine. Source: Forbes What Is Mindfulness and Meditation? Mindfulness and meditation are similar and linked; mindfulness is sometimes referred to as a type of meditation, and vice versa. The exercises “work hand in hand,” says Peter Brooks, […]

5 Morning Habits That Will Make You Super Productive All Day

5 Morning Habits That Will Make You Super Productive All Day

Would you like to get a jump start on your day and keep yourself in a high state of productivity all day, every day? Before you start your work routine at your normal earthly time, consider this: many of the world’s most successful founders and CEOs (think Apple’s Tim Cook) have an edge because they’re starting their day at a time when the rest of us are still asleep. Source: Inc. How early are we talking? As I covered here, 4 a.m. may be the most productive time of the day, because there are minimal distractions before the sun rises, no one is emailing or texting you, and there’s less to see on social media. If that’s not your […]

Work Damages Your Brain Health, But 4 Strategies Can Improve It, Study Finds

Work Damages Your Brain Health, But 4 Strategies Can Improve It, Study Finds

Your brain health is just as important as the health of other parts of your body. We know that professional football players and boxers suffer brain damage from constant punches to the head. But research also shows that work stress causes structural changes in the brain circuitry that can cause long-term harm on the nervous system. Chronic job stress such as an abusive boss, sexual harassment, a bully coworker or a work culture that thrives on crisis, chaos and pressure are examples of stress that can cause atrophy of the brain mass and decrease in brain weight. Source: Forbes The 2022 Brain Health Report It’s a no-brainer that most people, […]

How can workplaces effectively support mental health?

How can workplaces effectively support mental health?

Source: World Economic Forum With depression and anxiety estimated to cost the global economy over $1 trillion per year in lost productivity, policymakers and employers have long debated how workplaces can most effectively support mental health. Now, for the first time, WHO is publishing evidence-based guidelines which can start to answer this question. Workplaces can play an important role in mental health. Research from Edelman, across seven countries, found that 78% of employees trust their employers, making employers a potentially powerful source of support for mental health. Work can help protect and promote good mental health, but it can also contribute to potential harm. However, despite growing interest and investment in workplace mental health, […]

5 Pelvic Floor Exercises for Anyone and Everyone

5 Pelvic Floor Exercises for Anyone and Everyone

What it is | Function | Gender specifics | Finding your pelvic floor | Dysfunction | Too tight vs. too lax | Benefits of strengthening Exercises | When to get help | Bottom line Source: Healthline If you can’t sneeze, laugh, or cough without leaking a little urine, you’re not alone. Problems with the pelvic floor are common and can happen to anyone. The good news? Incorporating specific exercises (aka pelvic floor muscle training) into your overall fitness routine can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, as well as reduce the severity of symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. Here’s an easy-to-understand guide to what the pelvic floor is, what it does, […]

Office Ergonomics And How It Affects Your Health

Office Ergonomics And How It Affects Your Health

Whether you go to an office every day or are one of the many people who now work from home, creating a workspace with an ergonomically correct desk, chair and computer monitor position can go a long way to prevent back, neck, wrist and shoulder pains formally known as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Source: Forbes Work-related MSDs can be prevented with the proper use of ergonomics, the practice of fitting a workspace to the individual. In fact, ergonomics can help increase productivity while reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and a number of work-related MSDs, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Here’s what you need to know […]